
PHP License Manager with API and Cron

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PHP License Manager with API and Cron

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The PHP License Manager is a web-based application designed to manage software licenses. It provides a user-friendly interface for generating, verifying, and managing licenses. The application is built using PHP and utilizes a MySQL database for storing license information.


  • Generate licenses with customizable settings (e.g., license name, issued date, expiration date, auto-renewal)
  • Verify licenses using a unique license key
  • Manage licenses (view, edit, delete)
  • User management (login, logout, profile editing)
  • Dashboard for displaying license statistics (total licenses, active licenses, expired licenses)


  1. Download the PHP License Manager code and extract it to a directory on your web server.
  2. Create a MySQL database and import the database.sql file provided in the inc directory.
  3. Update the database credentials in inc/database.php to match your MySQL database settings.
  4. Configure the application settings in inc/config.php (e.g., application name, timezone).
  5. Access the application through a web browser by navigating to the directory where you extracted the code.

Database Credentials

To connect to the MySQL database, update the following variables in inc/database.php:

  • $db_host: the hostname or IP address of your MySQL server
  • $db_username: the username to use for connecting to the MySQL server
  • $db_password: the password to use for connecting to the MySQL server
  • $db_name: the name of the MySQL database to use

API Endpoints

The PHP License Manager provides two API endpoints:

  • verify: Verifies a license using a unique license key. Returns a JSON response with license information or an error message.
  • generate: Generates a new license with customizable settings. Returns a JSON response with the generated license key or an error message.

API Request Format

API requests should be sent as HTTP POST requests with the following format:

  • verify: index.php?page=verify&lisence={license_key}
  • generate: index.php?page=generate&email={email}&password={password}&name={name}&issued_at={issued_at}&expire_at={expire_at}&auto_renew={auto_renew}

API Response Format

API responses are returned in JSON format with the following structure:

  • verify: {"status":"success","license":{"name":"{name}","license":"{license_key}","issued_at":"{issued_at}","expire_at":"{expire_at}"}}
  • generate: {"status":"success","license":{"name":"{name}","license":"{license_key}","issued_at":"{issued_at}","expire_at":"{expire_at}"}}


  • Ensure that the MySQL database credentials are correct and the database is properly configured.
  • Check the application logs for errors or warnings.
  • Verify that the API requests are formatted correctly and are being sent to the correct endpoint.


  • The PHP License Manager uses a secure password hashing algorithm (bcrypt) to store user passwords.
  • The application uses prepared statements to prevent SQL injection attacks.
  • The API endpoints are designed to be secure and prevent unauthorized access.
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